Bhaktivedanta Hospital conducted the Annual Eye Camp at Barsana from 30th Jan to 11th Feb’23. Around 3800 patients were examined and 700 surgeries were conducted (in both the hospitals in Barsana and Vrindavan). Out of these 181 were Phaco surgeries.

In the dental camp from 29th Jan to 2nd Feb’23, around 1005 patients were screened and procedures such as scaling, filling and extractions were conducted. 91 dentures were also delivered in this short time. A new activity was introduced this year. A team of dentists visited local schools to screen students and educate them in dental care and hygiene. About 411 students were examined and 69 fillings were done.

About Bhaktivedanta Eye Hospital, Barsana:

Barsana is an ancient holy town located in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, about 150 kms from New Delhi, India’s capital. The town and surrounding villages are characterised by severe poverty, limited access to roads, scanty medical facilities and high incidence of cataract induced blindness. 

Many of the elderly villagers from the area lead a life of dependency due to cataract induced blindness, which is easily preventable by timely interventions and care.

Since 1992, Bhaktivedanata Eye Hospital, Barsana has been providing eye & dental care services including free cataract surgeries to the local populace, through their day care unit and Annual camps.

Barsana Eye & Dental Camp 2023